BBQ Flying Fish showcases the delightful and flavoursome taste of flying fish, a beloved seafood in the Caribbean. In this recipe, we marinate the flying fish in a blend of aromatic spices and herbs, then grill it to perfection on the barbecue. The grilling process imparts smoky and charred flavours to the fish, resulting in tender and succulent fillets that are visually enticing and incredibly satisfying to the palate. Whether you're hosting a summer barbecue or simply longing for a taste of the Caribbean, BBQ Flying Fish is an excellent choice that will transport you to the sunny shores with every mouthful
Course Main Course
Cuisine Bajan, Barbadian, Caribbean
Keyword bajan, Barbadian, Barbadian cuisine, bbq, caribbean, flying fish
Prep Time 15 minutesminutes
Cook Time 5 minutesminutes
Total Time 20 minutesminutes
Servings 1people
Calories 234kcal
1flying fish filletsboned
seasoningdelish regular, or mix with jerk if you want spicy
garlic clovepressed or minced
badia complete seasoningor similar
olive oil
Clean the fish and dry it off (do not leave lime and salt on for long; wash it off right away)
Fill the veins in the fish with seasoning and place it flat in a flat Pyrex glass dish
Sprinkle the fish with garlic and Badia seasoning
Coat the fish with olive oil and let it marinate for at least ½ hour
Pre-heat the BBQ to high
Place the fish on the BBQ, skin side down, and reduce the heat to medium
When the fish starts to turn white, flip it with a thin spatula, taking care not to break it apart
Leave the fish for approximately 2 to 4 minutes, then remove it from the BBQ (if you leave it for too long, it may burn and dry out; if the BBQ flares up, you will need to remove it earlier)